Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Man, They Just Don't Make Tech Demos Like They Used To

In 1878 Charles Bennett, a gentleman, discovered a new gelatin dry plate emulsion, which allowed for photos to be exposed almost instantaneously. So how did he show off his amazing new technology? By blowing up a mule, naturally.

The experiment ran thusly: A mule was strapped with dynamite, which was connected to a detonator. The very same switch that controled the detonator was connected to the camera, so as to trigger an exposure during, or slightly after, the poor animal's head was a-sploded. And verily! An 1881 issue of Scientific American recounts the horrifying event with bizarre earnestness, excerpted in the gallery:

(stolen form gizmodo)


  1. animals deserve to die.

    nice blog. most of the stuff is norwegian though for some reason.

    i legg in my kommentar now and hope for the best.

  2. oh, is it? i assumed it was norw only for me.. ill look into it. thx for tipping me of.

  3. hey the koments are amercian..i can see what im doing yay...and...this is the greatest thing ever...makes me wish i had 100fps when i destroyed all those gofers in north dakota....

  4. very cruel. that inventor must have been a republican.
